© Rennradregion Wels Ausfahrt
Rennradregion Wels

Beginner, ambitious amateur athlete or professional ... a tour for all requirements!

Whether you’re a beginner, ambitious amateur athlete or professional – the routes around Wels offer something to suit every taste. Numerous tours are available for you to choose from for your road bike weekend - a road cycling holiday in the road bike region of Wels!

The Wels Cherry Blossom Race is the oldest and one of the most important road bike races in Austria, with approximately 600 participants. The name refers to the time of the annual race in April, when the cherry blossoms bloom. The 58th Cherry Blossom Race will be held in 2018. The race’s route is summarised in a road bike tour: the 42.47 km long tour leads through the slightly hilly landscape around Wels, where you can get a whiff of the classic air.

The 82.19 km long tour named “The Blue Danube" is suitable for road bike novices and beginners. The flat profile and the fact it only has two ascents and almost 750 vertical metres makes this a very nice and worthwhile tour.

Our After-Work tours are designed especially for business travellers who want to take the road bike for a spin at the end of the working day. The longer version of 72.71 km leads to the viewing hills to the west of Wels. The short route serves up three ascents and splendid panoramic views of the Alps. The 38 km-long power station lap is a pleasant tour for winding down or switching off after a hard day’s work. Except for one rise, it is a completely flat, traffic-free lap, most of it directly on the Traun river on side roads and cycle paths.

If you’re looking for a sporting challenge in the evening or want to go full throttle as fast as possible, the Obst-Hügelland tour is just perfect. The 55.7 km-long tour is a sporting challenge with four crisp ascents and a total of 850 vertical metres.

An easygoing lap of 54.98 km on a beautiful summer’s evening leads to the south of Wels and back again; without gradients of any note, this lap is the perfect evening tour.

Go West into the beautiful Innviertel – a long-distance tour, perfect for collecting base kilometres and spending the whole day in the saddle. The attractive landscape is full of splendid farms and a constant string of little villages to pass through. Multiple guesthouses along the way offer regional beer specialities.

Things get borderline on the 169.89 km tour to the Czech border and back again. With nearly 2,600 vertical metres, it’s the longest and most difficult tour in the region. It’s even a challenge for ambitious riders. Numerous ascents in the Mühlviertel leave little time for resting.

A wonderful tour to the most idyllic lake in Austria – the Almsee – is and obviously a must. At 114.42 km, the tour is not too difficult in topographical terms, and you can return on the regional train as an alternative.

At 134 km, the Danube River Bend tour is the highlight tour to the Schlögener Danube River Bend and is garnished with crisp ascents and more than 2,000 vertical metres. A challenging tour full of highlights such as the Schartner ridge, Hinzenbach ski jumping hill, Schlögener Danube River Bend, Aschachtal valley and Schmieding Zoo.

At 111 km, the Bella Vista Limestone Alps tour is one of the most beautiful tours in the region. From the historic old town of Steyr to the divine hills of the Alpine foreland and the foothills of the Limestone Alps. A divine panorama and traffic-free roads – everything a lover of road bikes desires.

At 114.31 km, the tour through the Hausruck is a longer, difficult tour through the partly woody low mountain range of the Hausruck forest.


A beautiful day tour takes you around the Attersee; the 150 km day tour to the Salzkammergut region and around the Attersee. This is a long but easy route with a longer ascent to the mountain stage of Hochlecken and a great view of the Attersee. 

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© Foto: Oberösterreich Tourismus, Hermann Erber: Mit dem Rennrad im Salzkammergut unterwegs
Rennradfahrer bei Pause am Seeufer
© Foto: Oberösterreich Tourismus, Hermann Erber: Das Mühlviertel erkunden
Rennradfahrer auf einsamer Straße im Mühlviertel
© Foto: Oberösterreich Tourismus, Popp: Almsee im Almtal
Blick auf den Almsee mit Bergen im Hintergrund