© Foto: Wels Marketing und Touristik: Burggarten Wels
Der Burggarten in Wels lädt zu einen Selfie ein

Business tourism in the tourism region Wels 

Wels is a fascinating backdrop for all sorts of occasions. From smaller meetings right through to events with thousands of participants: Everything is possible here. Individually tailored event locations in the city centre offer space for 15,000 people - all in a central location and mostly within a few minutes’ walk of the hotel. The many family-run three and four-star hotels with a total capacity of 900 beds are noted for the personal attention they provide as well as their high environmental standards. The consistent “Green Meetings and Events Strategy” makes Wels unique amongst Austria’s cities.

© [Translate to Englisch:] Die Tourismusregion Wels in Oberösterreich
Foto: Lage der Tourismusregion Wels: (c) TVB Region Wels



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Highlights from the tourism region Wels...

© Kremsmünster im Sommer (c) Marktgemeinde Kremsmünster
Kremsmünster im Sommer (c) Marktgemeinde Kremsmünster
Surrounding programme