© Foto: Wels Marketing und Touristik: Burggarten Wels
Der Burggarten in Wels lädt zu einen Selfie ein

Tourism Association Region of Wels

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary ideas. Goodbye mass tourism and welcome to small, exquisite destinations like the Wels region - road bike cycling with locals, the landlord recommending his favourite direct marketers, the hotelier as a host with insider knowledge. With the Wels Region Tourism Association, new inspirations for guests and locals go hand in hand with the hotels, gastronomy, direct marketing by farmers and leisure businesses.


Hits of the season

Hits of the season
© Foto_Shoppen-Fußgängerzone-2016
Zwei junge Frauen schlendern durch die Fußgängerzone

Wels for groups

ith its abundant charm and varied cultural and culinary offerings, the small historical city of Wels has everything to delight travellers, particular those in groups. Its central location makes Wels the ideal point of departure for excursions across Austria and into neighbouring countries. Thanks to the excellent transport links, Wels also entices visitors to make the occasional stop-over.

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