© Foto: Wels Marketing und Touristik: Burggarten Wels
Der Burggarten in Wels lädt zu einen Selfie ein

Heroes of the Roman Times App

Experience a digital foray through the ro-man history of the city of Wels at nine loca-tions in the city center.

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© Foto: Helden der Römerzeit: (c) TVB Region Wels
Foto: Helden der Römerzeit: (c) TVB Region Wels

Heroes of the Roman Times App

Experience a digital foray through the ro-man history of the city of Wels at nine loca-tions in the city center.
• Augmented Reality App „Heroes of the Roman Age“ download for free (App Store / Google Play)
• Start the app and start searching for the heroes 1–1.5 hours