Directly connected to the Gasthof Maxlhaid is the railway museum "Bahnzeit" (“Railway-time”), which documents the history of the southern route of the horse railway "Linz-Wels-Gmunden".
The “railway-time” or “horse-railway-museum” of the southern route Linz-Wels-Gmunden displays the historical rail network with an area of 1,106 mm track south of the Danube in general as well as the revitalization efforts since 1995 in particular. This southern route of the horse railway started at the hop-on-station in Basdar-garden in Linz (now the “Museum of Upper Austria”) and led to Gmunden via Neubau, Wels and Alt-Lambach (now Stadl-Paura).
The “Maxlhaid” station in Wels was a loading station and a stop for the transportation of loads. In 1852, 170,877 people frequented the station on the suburban square, Stelzhamer-straße 11. The business building, Bahnhofstrasse 6, was right in front of it.
Nine buildings of the K.K. prov. of the first railway association have survived in Wels. This is the largest number of this type of stations on the entire route Budweis to Gmunden. The tradition is “kept alive” by the horse-railway operators, namely the inns proprietors, as well as the association “Hors-Railway Wels-Maxlhaid”. It depicts the history of the southern route Linz-Gmunden in an annex of the former railway station. One of the attractions of the horse railway museum is a reconstructed salt wagon.
Monday-Friday from 8 am till 6pm, on Weekends on request
Admission: voluntary donation
Please get in touch for more information.